Afsaneh Nahavandi, PhD is the creator and principal investigator of CMP. She is a professor of management at the University of San Diego with over 30 years of experience in teaching and research in leadership and culture. She is the author of the upcoming Cultural Mindset book and numerous books and articles including The Art and Science of Leadership, now in its 7th edition. She is a sought after speaker and consultant about leadership and culture. (CV)
The CMP engaged researchers the University of San Diego to develop and test the ICMI assessment tool and create the outline of the Cultural Mindset training program. The program is based on Dr. Nahavandi’s research and book The Cultural Mindset.
Christopher Brown is the managing director of Language acquisition Resource center at San Diego State University and a PhD student at the university of San Diego. His research interests include organizational theory and behavior, leadership, and transcultural communication.
Derek Olson is the co-f0under and VP of Consulting and strategy of the ubuntu group and an adjunct instructor at the university of san diego where he is currently a PhD candidate. He has considerable experience in the area of cultural competence.